Tag: nominative

The Adjective: Cases

stasya | 01.02.2011 | 0

Depending on the consonant before the ending adjectives can be divided into two groups:

  1. hard group:

    the hard consonant before -ий ending: добрий (kind), червоний (red), чистий (clean), низький (short);

    all the possessive adjectives: мамин (mother's), батьків (father's);

  2. soft group:

    the soft consonant before -ій, синій (dark blue), ранній (early), колишній (former, ex), справж ній (true);

    adjectives with -їй ending: безкраїй (immense, endless).

  3. and a special group of adjectives with -ций ending, which is a part of -лиций (“лице” means “face”): груглолиций (round-faced), блідолиций (pale-faced).

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The Noun: Cases

stasya | 25.01.2011 | 3

In the previous article it was mentioned, that the noun in Ukrainian language has seven cases. Here I would like to expand the topic, so that you can understand the purpose of cases and their meaning.

Why do we need cases?

We need them to show how the noun and other words in the sentence interact with each other. It is basically a grammatical category.

How to understand where to use a certain case?

You must put a certain question to a noun in the sentence. For example, in English you can put three kinds of questions to a noun depending on its role in the sentence.

  • The boy is playing with a kitten. (who? what?)

    The word “boy” plays the role of a subject.

  • The boy hugged him. (who?/whom?)

    The word “him” plays the role of a direct object.

  • His kitten.

    The word “his” plays the role of a possessor. (whose?)

But in Ukrainian language you can put 6 types of questions.

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